Anatomy Of A Soul

Anatomy-how things work

Let’s take a look at the anatomy of your soul.

You need-to-know how your “Soul Systems” function BEFORE you can do things like: effectively break a bad habit, overcome depression, strengthen your testimony, or understand your responsibility in reaching the measure of your creation.

Soul Systems

Learn to identify the three major SOUL SYSTEMS and understand what each system does. The systems are Spirit Body, Mind, and Physical Body.

Typically we view the “Soul” as only the “Spirit” and “Body.” (See: D & C 88:15). In addition, prophets have taught this simple doctrine. For example, David O. McKay said:

“Man has a natural body and a spiritual body. . . man’s body. . . is but the tabernacle in which his spirit dwells….” (Chapter 2: “The Dual Nature of Man” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay)

Certainly, we don’t know everything about our Spirit Body, Mind, and Physical Body. But, we do know some things. As a psychologist, I have an interest in learning how to change behavior. In particular, I’ve pondered how one soul system influences another. For example, how the Physical Body can limit the expression of our Mind and Spirit Body during earth life.

When we hear about the Spirit body it represents both the Spirit and Mind. For our purposes we’re going to talk about them as separate systems. Therefore, when I hear the word “Spirit” (the Spirit which represents our “Spirit Body”) I think in my mind “Spirit and Mind”.

Spirit Body

The spirit body is eternal
Spirit is a substance; . . . it is material, but . . . it is more pure, elastic and refined matter than the body; . . . it existed before the body, can exist in the body; and will exist separate from the body, when the body will be mouldering in the dust; and will in the resurrection, be again united with it.” (Joseph Smith taught in History of the Church; 4:575) The Spirit Body has always existed and will always exist. It can be neither created nor destroyed. (Russell M. Nelson, “You Are a Child of God,” New Era, Jul 2008;  Abraham 3:18)
The spirit body functions through the mind

“Your spirit body operates through your mind.” (Boyd K. Packer, “To Young Women and Men,” Ensign, May 1989) In a similar way your physical body operates through your brain.
The spirit body has personality

The spirit provides the body with animation and personality.” (Russell M. Nelson, “You Are a Child of God.”  New Era, Jul 2008)There are no defective spirit bodies
We are each spirit sons and daughters of GOD. There is no “Spirit” body with mental retardation, Asperger’s, bipolar, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. etc.  All such limitations / diseases exist in the physical body and can limit our Spirit and Mind’s capacity during our earthly existence. It is the Physical Body that is defective, not the Spirit Body. We have reason to believe that every spirit that comes into this world was whole and free from such defects in the pre-existence…it is a ridiculous notion that the spiritual offspring of God would be subject to spiritual defects before they were born into mortality.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, “Answers to Gospel Questions, Volume 5” pg 49, 52)


The mind is in the spirit
“…It is clear that the mind of man rests in the eternal spirit.” (Bruce R. McConkie, “Mormon Doctrine” pg 501 and Teachings of Prophet Joseph Smith pg 352-54.)

God communicates to the mind“Pure intelligence can be spoken into the mind. The Holy Ghost communicates with our spirits through the mind more than through the physical senses….” (Boyd K. Packer, “Prayer and Promptings,” Ensign, Nov 2009)
Mind can control the physical body

“Your mind is in charge; your body is the instrument of your mind.” (Boyd K. Packer, “Prayer and Promptings,” Ensign, Nov 2009). Remember this as we talk later about using the mind system to effectively influence the other systems – spirit body and physical body (e.g. managing mental illness and overcoming addictions.)

Mind is like a stage

“… the mind is like a stage. During every waking moment the curtain is up. There is always some act being performed on that stage.” (Boyd K. Packer, “The Message: Worthy Music, Worthy  “The Message: Worthy Music, Worthy Thoughts,” New Era, Apr 2008)

Physical Body

God created the physical body
“our body …, is a magnificent creation of God. It is a tabernacle of flesh—a temple for your spirit.” (Russell M. Nelson,  “Your Are a Child of God,”New Era, Jul 2008)The physical body is sacred

“The body is sacred. It was created in the image of God. It is something to be cared for and used for good purposes.” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “The Body Is Sacred,” New Era, Nov 2006)
The spirit is housed in the physical body

The body is designed to support…the eternal spirit, which dwells in each of our mortal frames. …” (Russell M. Nelson, “The Magnificence of Man,” New Era, Oct 1987)The physical body has the capacity to experience appetites and passions “Carnal, sensual and devilish nature” of man is associated with the physical body. (See Alma 42:10). “The time of youth … is the proper time to gain mastery over bodily appetites and passions.” Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Fruits of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Ensign, Nov 1991.)
The “pleasure center” of the brain is in the body. For example, neurotransmitters and hormones associated with the sexual response are located in the pleasure center of the physical body not in the spirit body. See: God’s Love Chemicals.All physical bodies are defective to some degree… until the resurrection
Mental illness, intellectual deficits etc etc are a result of the limitations of the physical body. Each of our bodies have some physical and intellectual limitations.  Nevertheless, the physical body will be made “perfect” at resurrection. (See Alma 40:23-26)

At death, the physical body will die
Death separates the spirit and the body.” (Russell M. Nelson, “Doors of Death,”  Ensign, May 1992)


During earth life the spirit body, mind and physical body are so closely connected we can hardly tell them a part. They function like “one”, but they are not.

Now for the first principle associated with the Anatomy of a Soul –
By influencing one of these systems- the mind, the body, and the spirit – you can influence another —
Here are some brief examples:

Using physical body to improve the mind – Retire to thy bed early, arise early that your bodies and minds may be invigorated.” (D&C 88:124)

physical body addiction also addicts the spirit body – “Addiction to any substance enslaves not only the physical body but the spirit as well.”(Russell M. Nelson, Addiction or Freedom, Ensign, November 1988)

Using the mind to improve physical body – “the study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve (physical) behavior…” (Boyd K Packer “Little Children,” Ensign, Nov. 1986)

“The condition of the physical body can affect the spirit. That’s why the Lord gave us the Word of Wisdom. … Food can affect the mind, and deficiencies in certain elements in the body can promote mental depression.” (Ezra Taft Benson, Do Not Despair, Ensign, October 1986)

The spirit is influenced by the body and the body by the spirit.” (Brigham Young. Journal of Discourses, 2:255–56.)

I would add:

THE BODY influences THE MIND
THE MIND influences THE BODY

At times the “influence” of one system can “limit the capacity” of another.

Pause your handheld devices.
Think of a specific example in your life, of how you can change the physical body (bad habit) by using each the spirit and the mind systems.

dr rick

Worth vs. Worthiness

I’m asked regularly questions like:
dr rick, how can you even stand to be in the same room with that guy…
…who just killed the bank teller,
…who just molested the neighbor girls,
…who just kidnapped and raped the store clerk?”
I explain the difference between “worth” and “worthiness.”

One day … Joe staggered to Church.
Joe had been a client for several months. However, recently he had been homeless. His parents and siblings were active in the Church. They never missed a meeting and always sat on the front row. Joe began drinking in his early teens and began drifting away from the Church. By 17 he was addicted to cigarettes and alcohol.  Joe wanted nothing to do with the Church. He always smelled like cigarettes.  His parents like the parents of Alma, prayed for their son to return to church. Several years later, one Fast Sunday he came back. A younger sibling nudged dad to look at Joe who just walked into the back of the chapel. Dad and Mom smiled with contentment at one another. Later in the testimony meeting Joe began walking towards the pulpit. The parents noticed he was staggering. Their heart sunk in despair. He reached the pulpit. His slurred words ended as he passed out! He was drunk. He fell to the floor at the foot of the Bishop.

Joe’s sins stunk.

One day … Brigham drove his chopper to Church.

Brigham was a young adult I met while doing a Fireside on addiction up in the Tri-City area of Washington. He sat in the back. He stood out because of his long shoulder length hair- with a strand of purple. His ears were gauged and face had several piercings. And believe me, no one could miss his tattoos. Brigham’s dad was in the Stake Presidency.  After the fireside, I met Brigham in the parking lot. His forearm had a very noticeable tattoo of a naked lady. He expressed a desire to return to church activity. After we visited he put on his Nazi helmet and leathers and rode off on his chopper motorcycle.

Brigham’s sins were an eyesore.

One day … The Smith Family drove their Dodge Caravan to Church.

The two younger boys were dressed in suits and carried their personal triple combinations- interesting enough the youngest boy was obviously too young to even read. The two girls were beautifully dressed in homemade dresses and hair bows.  Mom looked like she stepped out of (I made that up.) and Dad like he was ready to talk at General Conference. Surely the Smith Family kept all the commandments all the time. (Of course, there is no such family as the Smiths-I made them up too! But many Mormons really believe they exist, figure that out.)

Smith family had no sins.

At what behavior do you judge another?
Is it cigarettes, alcohol, tattoos, piercings, dropping the F-bomb, etc etc.
Could I wear, say or do something that could stop you from treating me with respect? Make you avoid me? Keep you from loving me?

The answer is probably YES.

What if like –they (the Joes and Brighams of the world) really did come back to church- as Thomas S. Monson has requested:

Come back and feast at the table of the Lord, and taste again the sweet and satisfying fruits of fellowship with the Saints…. (Looking Back and Moving Forward, Ensign, April 2008)

Let’s assume that once again
… Joe staggered
… Brigham rode his chopper
… The Smith Family drove their Dodge Caravan
to church.

And YOU happened to be ALONE in the foyer as they walked up the sidewalk to the church.  No one around. No one watching. (No one would know.) How would you feel? What would you do? How would you treat each of them? Would you treat them differently?

Well, the question of worthiness is easy… If we used the analogy “the price of gold” to represent worthiness the Smith Family would be worth $1400 an ounce! (Assuming they even existed.) On the other hand, Joe and Brigham’s worthiness would be much less – NO Temple Recommend for them! They need some serious repenting. Worthiness has to do with SIN. Worthiness is not a gift. We must earn it. Worthiness changes based on our behavior. If we are “good” we receive blessings; if we are not, we don’t.

Back to our church…
What are you thinking…as you smell Joe’s cigarettes and alcohol and see Brigham‘s piercings and naked lady tattoo– approach you? I’m not asking you to evaluate how many temple recommend questions they flunk… (There certainly is a time and place for the worthiness interview. But this isn’t it.)

I’m just asking how would you treat them?
(Hint: John 8:3-11Matt 25:34-40)

Ahhh, now we have to think… What is the worth of a soul? Any soul?

But what if their sins stink?

“…Their souls are precious…” Alma 31:35

But what if their sins are an eyesore?

“…Their souls are precious…” D&C 109:43

But Joe and Brigham are real losers!
The answer is the same for murders, bishops, rapists, relief society presidents, child molesters, prophets …Joe and Brigham and even the Smith Family.

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. D&C 18:10

There is no less worth of a soul-because of a tattoo, a body piercing, being drunk, having a temple recommend, etc etc.

If we used the analogy of gold again…
the Smith Family, Joe, and Brigham- each are 24 K gold. Worth is inherent in each of us – a gift- because we are a son or daughter of God with a “divine nature and identity.” (The Family: A Proclamation to the World).

Our worth –being 24 K gold –remains the same-
… Joe for example unprocessed 24 K gold,
… Brigham for example a 24 K gold nugget,
… and The Smith Family a 24 K gold coin.

To be Christ-like we must learn to see like Christ.

The Prophet Samuel choosing David to be king taught us- “The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:6-8. Jesus is capable of seeing the 24K Gold in each of us- regardless of our condition or worthiness.

Worth has to do with the SINNER. Though lives and circumstances may change, an individual’s worth CANNOT!

… You cannot sin enough to change your WORTH in the sight of God!

when I’m sitting across from a murder,
spending hours with a rapist,
asking hundreds of questions to a child molester…
I’m trying my best to treat them for what they are Worth.
The judge makes the judgment of Worthiness
and typically sends “these children of God” to jail and prison.
(Which by the way I support.
There is a time and place where judgment is the right thing to do.
But going to prison doesn’t change an individual’s WORTH.)

As Victor Hugo says in Les Miserables

To love another person is to see the face of God-

Each of us are “children of God.” Each of us has some of that “Godly DNA” inside.

Sometimes, it is a challenge to see God’s face in some of His children.

Learn the difference between acknowledging another’s worthiness and their worth.

“I have in my heart a love for all of God’s children. I have no ill feeling toward any human being. With you, I hate sin, but I love the sinner. We all have need to repent.” ( Ezra Taft Benson, “The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson” (1988), 75)

The truth shall make you free.

Read:  God Loves You THIS MUCH!

dr rick

FREE – According To The Flesh

Joe is in his 50s. He has Down’s Syndrome. Early in his life, he obtained a temple recommend. Since that time, he has been attending the temple regularly typically doing 3 sessions a day. At first, he lived at home with his parents. After their death he was moved into a state ran group home. He continued to attend the temple- year after year.

While completing an IQ test Joe-as an older man- was asked: “If I cut an apple in half, how many pieces will I have?” He responded “Four.”  After a lifetime of temple service that was the best he could do. Joe still suffered from Down’s Syndrome and related mental retardation. Joe’s earthly physical body has limited the capacity of his spirit body and mind to express themselves.  To better understand The Spirit Body, The Physical Body, and The Mind – See: Anatomy of a Soul

Joseph Fielding Smith explained that

ALL spirits while in the pre-existence were perfect in form, having ALL their faculties and mental powers unimpaired. … Deformities are … physical.” (Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith, Jr., 5 vols., Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1979, 3:19.)

Check out this quote:

We, as Latter-day Saints, believe that the spirits that occupy these tabernacles have form and likeness similar to the human tabernacle. Of course there may be deformities existing in connection with the outward tabernacle which do not exist in connection with the spirit that inhabits it. These (physical)tabernacles become deformed by accident in various ways, sometimes at birth, but this may not altogether or in any degree deform the spirits that dwell within them, (Parley P. Pratt, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 15, pg. 243)


Joe’s physical body HAS Down’s Syndrome. His physical body HAS mental retardation.

ALL disabilities – mental illness, blindness, mental retardation, etc etc are temporary conditions.  (The Church provides a “General List of Disabilities‘ the physical body can experience.)

A physical disability can  ONLY EXIST while we are on earth in a physical body.  ALL physical disabilities DIE when our earthly physical body DIES. (Remember our physical body becomes perfect when it is resurrected. See Alma 40:23-26)

While we are here on earth, our Spiritual Body and Mind  can be limited or restricted by our Physical Body.

“Wherefore, men (women, children, dogs, cats, etc etc) are free according to the flesh; (capacity of their phyiscal body & brain)“

Here are a few more quotes supporting this “Physical Body” doctrine:

Freedom may be qualified or taken away by physical laws, including the physical limitations with which we are born…” (Dallin H. Oaks, “Free Agency and Freedom” Brigham Young University on 11 October 1987.)

“…the conditions of mortality can limit our freedom…” (Dallin H. Oaks, Same-Gender Attraction,” Ensign, Oct 1995)

Let’s take a look at the Physical Body. We’ll use a “house” to illustrate the Physical Body.

There are two houses below-one a beat-up old shack and another a mansion.  The “old shack” has a floor plan equivalent to a physical body with Cerebral Palsy. The “mansion” has a floor plan equivalent to the Gold medalist Phelps.

At birth each perfect Spirit Body and Mind takes up residence in a particular “physical body” or “house“.

The pictures to the left illustrate how two perfect Spirit Bodies (of equal worth) are placed into two different Physical Bodies  (not of equal worth) create quite a contrast in earthly physical abilities.

Our Spirit Bodies and Minds have a capacity for emotions and intelligence in addition to physical. (Remember our personality and thoughts exist in the Spirit Body and Mind.) The neurotransmitters, hormones etc etc of the Physical Body limit or enhance our emotional and intellectual abilities.

It has been my experience to one degree or another, that our Spirit Body’s (and Mind’s)capacity to experience happiness, to pay attention, to think clearly, to form close relationships,  etc etc  can be restricted or enhanced by our Physical Body. (When the disabilities are significant we call them “mental illnesses.”)

Each Physical Body has some imperfections-some more noticeable than others. Disease, accidents, poor self-care etc etc can cause a perfectly healthy “mansion” to have problems-even burn a few rooms down or interfere with the plumbing etc etc.

Sometimes – Priesthood blessings, medications, counseling, exercise, nutrition etc etc can “repair the disabilities”  of a particular “floor plan” of a particular house, making it more livable for our Spirit Body and Mind. 

Sometimes – interventions do not work. For example, while Joe is in his earthly body he’ll never teach even 1st grade math.

The doctrine of the Physical Body limiting the freedom of The Spirit Body and Mind helps us understand homosexuality, addictions, mental illnesses, etc etc

“… some people seem to be unusually susceptible to particular actions, reactions, or addictions. Perhaps such susceptibilities are inborn or acquired without personal choice or fault, like the unnamed ailment the Apostle Paul called “a thorn in the flesh…” (2 Cor. 12:7). (Dallin H. Oaks, Same-Gender Attraction,” Ensign, Oct 1995)

If your house “floor plan” or the “floor plan” of a loved one isn’t the best and has some faulty wiring or plumbing here or there. It’s only temporary. Just do the best you can.

YOUR JOB… is NOT “to make your physical body into a perfect floor plan”
Only the resurrection can do that.

YOUR JOB is simple “Meet the measure of your creation– growing your Spirit Body and Mind to the highest capacity your physical body allows.”

My Friend Joe
I believe my friend Joe living in his “beat up old shack” is reaching the measure of his creation and after he is rid of the limitations of his physical body (Down’s Syndrome & Mental Retardation) he will most certainly be some fantastic engineer somewhere in a Galaxy Far Far Away  – helping God build a new Earth or something. 🙂

There is little room for feelings of guilt in connection with handicaps (disabilities of the physical body). Some handicaps may result from carelessness or abuse, and some through addiction of parents. But most of them do notAfflictions come to the innocent” (Boyd K. Packer “The Moving of the Water,” Ensign, May 1991).

Would you feel guilty about the color of your eyes?

You are still responsible for your thoughts, feelings and behavior. See “The Gift- Between God and I”  Remember the Physical Body has no living parts. The breath of life resides in the Spirit Body and Mind. 

Ponder this thought:
Joseph F. Smith wrote, “Deformity will be removed; defects will be eliminated, and men and women shall attain to that perfection of their spiritsto the perfection that God designed in the beginning. (Our Indestructible Mortal EnemyImprovement Era, June 1909, p. 592.)

Ponder this thought:
If healing does not come in mortal life, it will come thereafter. Just as the gorgeous monarch butterfly emerges from a chrysalis, so will spirits emerge.” (Boyd K. Packer, “The Moving of the Water,” Ensign May 1991.)

For extra credit watch this video- My Brother Hyrum  🙂

dr rick

Promptings Never Exceed Your Capacity

To Thine Own Self Be True
These words of Polonius are taken from Shakespeare’s work:

This above all: to thine own self be true And it must follow, as the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man…”

I’m going to share one of my most valuable clinical techniques in helping another person achieve “being true to themselves.” Unfortunately, it has been only the last few years that I discovered the importance of this particular psychological method. As clients struggle in life and come with their insurance and credit cards to my office they often are asking themselves similar questions. Although the specific problems may vary from addiction to depression from abuse to divorce, the core questions generally stay the same “What is the answer to my problem?” and “How can I know what to do?

Discover And Use Your Personal Promptings
The psychological technique I’m referring to is discovering and using your personal “Promptings“. Promptings are a spiritual influence that comes from God into your mind as a thought or a feeling put into your heart. Promptings have in common the fact they come from a divine source, God. The “Light of Christ” and “Holy Ghost” are the specific social media platforms used by God to communicate Promptings to you.  At this point the difference between Light of Christ and Holy Ghost really don’t matter. What matters is learning to receive messages from this divine delivery system. As you develop your skill in using Promptings you will obtain impressions from God about what to do and what not to do in your life.

Not All Thoughts and Feelings Come From God
There are numerous causes for your thoughts and feelings. Your thoughts and feelings can be influenced by: your environment e.g. entertainment, pornography; your physical body e.g. nutrition, sleep, mental illness; your life experience e.g. abuse, abandonment; Satan e.g. temptations; and by God e.g. Promptings. As you learn to recognize the different sources of your various thoughts and feelings, your confidence in you and your future will change forever- you will have no fear!  (See Where Do Thoughts Come From?)

Trial And Error Learning
Yes, there will be a learning curve as you master recognizing and complying with your personal Promptings. It will take time and effort to learn. But hey- remember all those misspelled words on your spelling test and the calculation errors on your Algebra test? Be patient. God wants more than anything to talk to you. You will learn to check your Daily Promptings just like you learned to check your Facebook page, Instagram, or any other social networking platform.

Anatomy Of Your Soul
Let’s do a brief review of the anatomy of your soul. (See: The Anatomy of a Soul) Remember you are made up of a “Physical Body” and a “Spiritual Body”. Both have the capacity to learn. “Spiritual learning” comes from divine sources “Light of Christ” and the “Holy Ghost” talking to your spirit. “Temporal learning” comes from books, school, workshops, therapy, and life experience. Temporal learning teaches your brain which is part of your physical body. Learning to recognize and comply with your divine Promptings is the classroom where spiritual learning occurs. Unfortunately, I think we failed to teach anyone how to access divine Promptings and learn spiritually.

Promptings Never Exceed Your Capacity
Because Promptings have a divine source and messaged by an all-knowing God we can be confident they are based on truth. It’s been my experience that choices based on truth eventually work all the time and every time. A choice based on truth never fails!  Although it may be in the life here-after before we recognize it as the correct choice. When you identify and follow a Prompting it is always the right choice. Because God knows everything about you from beginning to end, you can be sure He would never give you a Prompting beyond your capacity to achieve it. It’s against the laws of Heaven for God to send you a Prompting that you do not have the capacity to achieve. It will not happen! Nevertheless, in the beginning, as you learn to trust your Promptings it is not unusual for you to believe “I could never achieve that.”

Let’s make a word change on the popular scripture in 1 Nephii 3:7 

And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath impressed me to do, for I know that the Lord giveth no impressions unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the impression which he hath given them.

An Example
Here is a recent example. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are a middle-age couple. They’ve been married 25 years and active in their church. The wife was severely sexually abused as a child over 30 years ago by a family member. Most of her personal and married life has been impacted by her unresolved sexual abuse issues. Sister Smith has read books, attended classes, been to therapists, and visited with the clergy. She seems to have tried everything “on earth” that she and her husband can think of to find peace.  Yet, when I met her she continued to feel victimized by her negative self-talk, occasional dark thoughts, intrusive thoughts of earlier abuse, and frankly being confused on how to proceed with her life.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith have spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on earthly resources attempting to resolve “her sexual abuse problem” with very little success? And these guys are very intelligent professional people! I’m quite sure Sister Smith is more knowledgeable about sexual abuse and its effects then I am! If there was a class on abuse, she could teach it! Clearly the Smiths have learned about all they can “temporally” about sexual abuse.

This statement came to my mind: “Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 2 Tim. 3:7 I think it is not by accident this scripture is in the chapter where Paul describes the apostasy and perilous times of the last days. Sister Smith had failed to access her most powerful resource- Promptings! No one has taught her the importance of and the “how to” to activate personal revelation for direction concerning her personal sexual abuse issues. She had diligently looked elsewhere to her husband, to her therapist(s), to her books, etc etc – but failed to look inside herself and trust her personal Promptings. She was unsure of what God would have her personally do.  When I asked Sister Smith to pause and look inside and ponder possible Promptings she was quite nervous and unsure of her ability to trust herself and her capacity to follow those Prompgtings. She had been learning about earthly knowledge, but as of yet not found “truth” for her own personal recovery. “Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 2 Tim. 3:7

The way to receive Promptings is really quite simple. The process has been around for hundreds of years. With practice, I’m confident Sister Smith, And you if you decide will become “true to herself”  by learning “temporally” by her earthly resources and “spiritually” by her Promptings. 

dr rick

What Do Twinkies And Porn Have In Common?

What Do Twinkies And Porn Have In Common?

A Twinkie is an American snack cake, marketed as a “Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling“. Steve Ettlinger, the author of the book “Twinkie, Deconstructed” spent months of his life interviewing chemical engineers, questioning industrial bakers and even traveling 1,600 feet below the surface of the Earth to see where Twinkie ingredients are mined. (Mined!) To be sure, the Twinkie contains easily recognizable ingredients, such as flour, sugar, water, eggs, whey and salt. But Ettlinger dug and dug until he understood what the terms Polysorbate 60, Red 40, mono and diglycerides and calcium sulfate really meant. (Spoiler alert: Calcium sulfate is a food-grade equivalent of plaster of Paris.) Five ingredients come from rocks. Twinkie ingredients come from phosphate mines in Idaho, gypsum mines in Oklahoma, and oil fields in China.(See: Pictures of Twinkie’s ingredients)  Ettlinger writes, many of the Twinkie’s ingredients are “more closely linked to rocks and petroleum than any of the four food groups.” Twinkie is barely a “food” with almost no nutritional value. Some researchers suggest that the body has difficulty even recognizing a Twinkie as food.  The food industry discovered a Twinkie with it’s sugar, fat, and salt – creates a huge dopamine rush to the brain. Enough to make us feel our body needs and wants more.

A Twinkie is nutritionally worthless yet irresistibly yummy.

Twinkie artificially enhanced modified food that is not good for you.
Twinkie vs. Whole grain bread.
If you’re training for a race, don’t eat Twinkies.

Porn has become an American past time, marketed as a “Adult entertainment  a harmless habit.” A person’s sexual brain chemicals result in “pleasure” any time the sexual response is triggered. However, the experience varies depending on what triggers the response. Unnatural stimulation of the sexual response results in a synthetic artificially modified sexual experience.  Today’s culture emphasizes the sexually pleasurable experience at the expense of a “real” relationship. Current research suggests pornography makes women into objects of desire rather than real people.  Pornography sabotages one’s ability to have intimacy with a partner. Another study concluded that prolonged exposure to pornography affects the user’s sexual and personal happiness. For instance, porn increases distrust and dissatisfaction with one’s partner; it increases acceptance of infidelity and male-dominated relationships, and it decreases the desire to marry or raise a family.  (See: and  The sex industry discovered pornography with explicit sexual images – creates a huge dopamine rush to the brain. Enough to make us feel our body needs and wants more.

Porn is virtuously worthless yet irresistibly pleasurable.
Porn artificially enhanced modified sex that is not good for you.
Porn vs. Sexual relations between husband and wife.
If you ever want an intimate relationship with a “real” partner, don’t watch porn.


Explain to someone you love the following concept:
Twinkie” is to “wholesome nutritious food” as “Porn” is to “healthy sexual intimacy“.
dr rick