And the XIII World Boy Scout Jamboree in Japan had just begun. Sitting in our tents at the foot of Mt. Fuji on Asagiri Heights, most of us, heard the mobile loudspeakers begin to blaze: “Prepare for evacuation. All sub-camps requiring evacuation , get ready. Buses are on the way.” 16,000 Scouts had to be evacuated for 48 hours. It was the summer of 1971. I had just turned 17. Our camp had to be evacuated. They asked for a couple of volunteers to remain behind to watch our equipment. I volunteered.
The Rain Came
We were joking around in the tent as a little river of water began to run through. We decided we’d better go out and dig a trench around the tent to direct the water elsewhere. By now the clouds were gray, the wind was blowing and the rain was a down pour. How could we have forgotten to dig the trench around our tent? We were scouts! Scouts are always prepared right?
Well, not this time and not for a typhoon.
I’m convinced, after 40 years of working in the mental health field, one of the greatest obstacles facing each of us is our ability to cope. We fail to "dig the trench" before the storm comes. 😢 The storms of life will find each of us. We will either be prepared or we will not be prepared.Hard Times Ahead It is almost certain that as we talk about future life storms, we will talk about the importance of being financially and temporally prepared. We will ask questions like, do you have enough food, money, water, etc. That isn’t wrong of course, but if the discussion stays focused only on building home storage and finances 👉 you 👈 my friend will NOT be prepared emotionally for your storm!
As a Psychologist
As a psychologist with thousands of hours with patients, I've developed a new understanding of this scripture "Men's hearts failing them for fear..." Luke 21:26 . I believe "men's and women's hearts fail them"  when they do not have sufficient coping resources to deal with their storm. As a result, they experience depression, anxiety, nervous breakdowns, and unfortunately suicide.
On the bright side, those who have sufficient "coping resources" make it.👍 The analogy I like to use is "Emotional Emergency Preparedness Kit."  You are probably familiar with the concept of a 72 Hour Preparedness Kit. This kit contains the basics: food, water, matches, etc. (What to Pack in a 72 Hour Kit). This kit is to be used during a natural disaster.
Emotional Preparedness Kit Well, if I was your psychologist, the first question I would ask you would be "What do you have in your Emotional Emergency Preparedness Kit?"  I would then explain that this kit contains coping resources - emotional resources necessary for you to survive your storm. The principle of "self-reliance" applies to both  preparedness for "emotional" and "natural" disasters. There are clearly several items that should go into your Emotional Emergency Preparedness Kit. As a psychologist I’d recommend you store-up.
Characteristics of Coping Resources
Here are some observations about coping resources:
Most important, is the coping resource must work for 👉 you 👈!
Examples of Coping Resources
And a million other activities....
FIVE TO SURVIVE You need five coping resources in you Emotional Preparedness Kit to survive your storm. FINAL THOUGHTS  When you’re looking for emotional coping resources don’t look too hard. Often you’ve already experienced them or you have had an impression of what might work. If all you are doing is taking medication. Count ... It's "1".  One is not five.  You need five to survive.  
Feelings of being overwhelmed and depressed will occur...
when you have emotionally prepared for scattered showers,
but you are facing a typhoon!  
Back to the Typhoon
We made it through the typhoon along with most of our equipment. The trench we initially dug eventually turned into much a larger ditch. Before it was over, there was a virtual river running through our camp. Holy Cow- did it ever rain!
  Doc: You Can Do Hard Things....
(C) 2018 all rights reserved
If you are prepared you shall not fear.

Other ways to experience "Five-To-Survive"

Shrinktext Session - Receive daily cell text explaining the content. About 2 weeks in length. Simpley text FIVE to my cell text number 202.883.8885 Podcast Facebook Life Please share with your friends and family! - The Doc"/>

And the XIII World Boy Scout Jamboree in Japan had just begun. Sitting in our tents at the foot of Mt. Fuji on Asagiri Heights, most of us, heard the mobile loudspeakers begin to blaze: “Prepare for evacuation. All sub-camps requiring evacuation , get ready. Buses are on the way.” 16,000 Scouts had to be evacuated for 48 hours. It was the summer of 1971. I had just turned 17. Our camp had to be evacuated. They asked for a couple of volunteers to remain behind to watch our equipment. I volunteered.
The Rain Came
We were joking around in the tent as a little river of water began to run through. We decided we’d better go out and dig a trench around the tent to direct the water elsewhere. By now the clouds were gray, the wind was blowing and the rain was a down pour. How could we have forgotten to dig the trench around our tent? We were scouts! Scouts are always prepared right?

Well, not this time and not for a typhoon.

I’m convinced, after 40 years of working in the mental health field, one of the greatest obstacles facing each of us is our ability to cope. We fail to “dig the trench” before the storm comes. 😢 The storms of life will find each of us. We will either be prepared or we will not be prepared.Hard Times Ahead
It is almost certain that as we talk about future life storms, we will talk about the importance of being financially and temporally prepared. We will ask questions like, do you have enough food, money, water, etc. That isn’t wrong of course, but if the discussion stays focused only on building home storage and finances 👉 you 👈 my friend will NOT be prepared emotionally for your storm!
As a Psychologist
As a psychologist with thousands of hours with patients, I’ve developed a new understanding of this scripture “Men’s hearts failing them for fear...” Luke 21:26 . I believe “men’s and women’s hearts fail them”  when they do not have sufficient coping resources to deal with their storm. As a result, they experience depression, anxiety, nervous breakdowns, and unfortunately suicide.


On the bright side, those who have sufficient “coping resources” make it.👍 The analogy I like to use is “Emotional Emergency Preparedness Kit.”  You are probably familiar with the concept of a 72 Hour Preparedness Kit. This kit contains the basics: food, water, matches, etc. (What to Pack in a 72 Hour Kit). This kit is to be used during a natural disaster.

Emotional Preparedness Kit
Well, if I was your psychologist, the first question I would ask you would be “What do you have in your Emotional Emergency Preparedness Kit?”  I would then explain that this kit contains coping resources – emotional resources necessary for you to survive your storm. The principle of “self-reliance” applies to both  preparedness for “emotional” and “natural” disasters. There are clearly several items that should go into your Emotional Emergency Preparedness Kit. As a psychologist I’d recommend you store-up.
Characteristics of Coping Resources
Here are some observations about coping resources:
  • Coping resources are someone, something, or some activity that strengthens you. 💪  A resource has a positive influence on your personal life. It brings hope. 
  • Coping resources change from time to time. What might be a resource one day may not be a resource another day. A resource may not be available or simply not be effective the day you need it. For example, running used to be one of my favorite resources. Now, with age I swim more and run less.
  • What works as a coping resource for one person may be a stressor for another.  For example, gardening is one of my most effective resources. For you there is a good chance that gardening is a stressor.
  • The need for coping resources vary depending on the expected stress. Some days you may need 7 or 8 coping resources because of all the stress. On other days you may need only 1 or 2. For example, on Saturdays when I work in my garden 1 or 2 resources are plenty. However, on days I get a subpoena to go to court, I like to have prepared with 4 or 5.
  • A coping resource should be “legal” AND “be consistent with your morals and faith.”
Most important, is the coping resource must work for 👉 you 👈!
Examples of Coping Resources
And a million other activities….

You need five coping resources in you Emotional Preparedness Kit to survive your storm.

When you’re looking for emotional coping resources don’t look too hard. Often you’ve already experienced them or you have had an impression of what might work. If all you are doing is taking medication. Count …

It’s “1”. 

One is not five. 

You need five to survive.  

Feelings of being overwhelmed and depressed will occur…

when you have emotionally prepared for scattered showers,

but you are facing a typhoon!  
Back to the Typhoon
We made it through the typhoon along with most of our equipment. The trench we initially dug eventually turned into much a larger ditch. Before it was over, there was a virtual river running through our camp. Holy Cow- did it ever rain!

  Doc: You Can Do Hard Things....

(C) 2018 all rights reserved
If you are prepared you shall not fear.

Other ways to experience “Five-To-Survive”

Shrinktext Session – Receive daily cell text explaining the content. About 2 weeks in length. Simpley text FIVE to my cell text number 202.883.8885


Facebook Life

Please share with your friends and family! – The Doc