
Where Do Thoughts Come From
I explain where thoughts come from. I inform you that your thoughts come from different sources including: you; the environment around you; various body conditions; Satan; God etc. I explain your mind is like a stage and your thoughts are like one-act-plays. You are the director of those one-act-plays. I explain how you should NOT feel guilty for every thought / one-act-play that shows up on your stage. You do NOT have control of what thoughts enter your stage. You DO have some control in managing those thoughts AFTER you become aware of them. One of the greatest skills you will learn on earth is how to effectively direct your stage.

The Most Important Principle I Can Share
I try to persuade you to take care of yourself. After 40 years of practicing in the mental health field I’ve learned “Self Esteem” and “Self Love” are essential for happiness and for healthy relationships. I explain how sometimes it’s okay to focus on others and sometimes it’s okay to focus on yourself. However, when life gets busy and you have “too many things to do” you always choose self. If you don’t take care of yourself and develop and strengthen yourself esteem and self love, nobody else will.

One Tip To Reduce Stress
In my 40 years as a shrink I’ve discovered a series of techniques to reduce stress. I share them in this podcast. The “Stress Response” occurs when your “perception” of your life demands exceed your “perception” of your personal resources to deal with those demands. The One Tip to reduce stress: Change Your Perception. If you can learn to change your perception, you can change your life. I review the use of “deep breathing” and “mindfulness” to reduce the Stress Response and the use of “affirmations” to change your perception.

When Everything Else Fails. God’s Kind-of-Love.
From time to time there is a loved one that is without hope. You’ve tried everything you can think of including medication, counseling, clergy visits, loving, threatening, etc.- and nothing seems to work. In fact, the loved-one may be experiencing depression, substance use, sexual acting-out, and even suicidal thoughts. I share in this podcast one intervention strategy that I have found to be very effective when both the loved-one and surrounding family members have, “given-up” and “don’t know what to do.” The strategy: God’s Kind-Of-Love! The mercy, grace, love of a surrounding family member, can motivate a loved-one to change. I explain in detail how it works.

Five To Survive
As a psychologist I’ve learned that you need a certain amount of coping resources to survive life stress. If you want to successfully deal with the stress of daily living you’ll need at least “Five.” Listen and learn why. A resource is some activity or some behavior that strengthens you! What acts as a resource to someone else may not be a resource to you. Identify five resources and usually you will do fine. For example, if all you’re doing for your depression is taking medication, you would do better with more resources- 1 resource is not 5 resources. You need 5 becomes resources at times some resources become unavailable or lose their effectiveness.